Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Out with the old, in with the new......

We have a few days left of 2009 but I figured I'd better get a jump on this post or it will be a few more weeks before I get to it.

I am looking forward to the new year. I like the idea of wiping the slate clean and starting anew. I don't like to make resolutions but this year I'm making an exception. It will be interesting in a year from now to reflect back and see if I've kept any of them ;) I'm still working on that list so I'll post it once it's polished.

In the meantime, I'm focusing on celebrating 17 years of marriage with my wonderful husband this Saturday! It's hard to believe that 17 years have passed when it feels like yesterday we were barely going on our first date! The time has certainly passed quickly and although we have gone through some pretty difficult times, I wouldn't change it for the world.

I should have known he was a keeper from early on in our relationship when I told him I wanted ten children and he didn't run...LOL! While we're still learning and growing, I am looking forward to the next 17 years and what/who they will bring to us.

Until next time...or next year ;) ................

1 comment:

Mike said...

congrats on 17 years! that's a big deal.