Wednesday, September 29, 2010

And I'm back.................

Well that last few months have been a bit of a roller coaster ride. I have all sorts of health issues and unfortunately my body decided to get my attention last month by sending me to the ER. I'll spare you the details but what started out as the possibility of Crohns disease ended at the possibility of endometrial cancer. Thankfully I don't have the latter. I had to have a biopsy last week and the results came back benign. I can't tell you how SCARY these past few weeks have been wondering and waiting. It has also been especially crazy because we started back up with school! The boys both have IEP's and evaluations going on. Boo started Speech, OT and academic tutoring and Bo is back with his VI teacher twice a week. I've been running around like a chicken with no head trying to get things into somewhat of a routine and in the midst of all this has been several Dr's appts for me and Boo. Needless to say, I haven't had time to tend to this blog OR to StopFASt. The good news is that now that things are somewhat under control, I'm ready to tackle my project again!
I don't have all the answers to my health issues and I still need to sort a few things out to get to the root cause of things but I am taking it one day at a time. I'm eating healthier, eating less and losing weight! I'm working on changing old habits (bye bye chocolate!) and incorporating new ones (hello veggies!). It's not easy but it's all part of the process of healing!
Until next time........

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


To say things have been busy would be an understatement. Life has once again taken the form of a tornado. There are so many things going on and no time to truly stop and update or even think for that matter. I'm going to summarize using bullet points because while I'm determined to give an update, I'm literally falling asleep as I type.

*Stop FASt is in the works but is moving slow. I am still in need of a graphic artist so if anyone knows of one willing to do a charity project, please let me know :)

*We started school and haven't had a moment to breathe. There are lots of services to set up and the kids all have different interests, etc so it will be a busy year!

*I've had all sorts of health issues including an ER trip and a few specialists. I've never had the best "stomach" and right now my body is telling me to pay attention to I am...

I could elaborate for hours on all three of those points but will have to save it for another day.

Until next time.....