Sunday, November 15, 2009

So much to update but no time to do it.....

Life has a way of just taking hold and not giving you time to take a breath. This has been my life lately. There have been big decisions made, lots of stress, lots of frustration, etc.

I'm not going to give specifics because honestly I just don't have it in me to write it all out right now. I'm tired. I'm hurting both emotionally and physically. I don't have all the answers to the many challenges we are faced with each day and after a while, it just wears me down.

I'm not going to lie and say that my bible is open every day and that I take time out each day to pray uninterrupted. I do pray but not nearly enough. I have found myself praying more in recent months than ever before in my life. I know this is a good thing. I know that God is trying to tell me that I need to rely on Him for strength and answers. I tend to forget that. I tend to call out to Him in ways that are not necessarily "prayerful" if you know what I mean. Example: Boo is screaming at the top of his lungs at 3 in the morning because he has woken up and his engine is turned on and he decides he NEEDS a bowl of cereal right that moment. That is a moment in which God hears me call His name in a less than prayerful manner.

I am working on this. I am realizing each day that I need Him. I have always "known" this but never realized just how much until recently.

As far as my journey as an author is concerned, I am still tossing this idea around. Thanks to my dear friend Heather (Zoey's mom)
I'll keep everyone posted on this but lately I've just been in deep thought about so much. I apologize for not updating more frequently. I am working on it.

Until next time........

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